Web-based Communications about Environmentally Responsible Activities by Chemical Companies Based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine


  • L. Tetřevová Department of Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice
  • M. Paták Department of Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice
  • I. Kyrylenko Department of Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice


corporate social responsibility, environmental responsibility, chemical firms, web-based communication, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine


Environmental responsibility seems to be of particular importance for companies active in socially and particularly environmentally sensitive industries. The presented study aims to analyse and assess the scope of the web-based communications and the structure of the communicated environmentally responsible activities of chemical companies based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The performed analysis implies that the scope of communications about environmentally responsible activities of the monitored chemical companies is mainly affected by in which country the particular company is registered, while no differences have been found between EU-member and non-member states. It is the company ownership and size that play an important role on the national level, not the character of the corporate activity. As for the structure of the communicated environmentally responsible activities, TOP 3 activities in all the three countries include the prevention and the remedy of negative impacts on the environment, ensuring compliance with the environmental legislation, minimization of wastes and support of recycling.



How to Cite

Tetřevová, L., Paták, M., & Kyrylenko, I. (2019). Web-based Communications about Environmentally Responsible Activities by Chemical Companies Based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. Chemické Listy, 113(1), 58–62. Retrieved from http://w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/3267


