Příprava polymerních imunočástic pro separaci biomarkerů oxidačního stresu z tělních tekutin
Klíčová slova:
polymerní imunočástice, oxidační stres, 8-iso Prostaglandin F2α, LC-ESI-MSAbstrakt
The work deals with preparation and characterization of polymer immunoparticles used as a separation tool for biomarkers from biological fluids like urine, plasma etc. Polymer imunoparticles consist of antibodies immobilized in a polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol matrix. Prepared immunoparticles, containing monoclonal antibodies against 8-iso Prostaglandin F2α, were used as a tool for a preliminary separation of 8-iso Prostaglandin F2α (a marker of oxidative stress) from complex biological matrix (urine) before a highly specific and precise detection and quantification by LC-ESI-MS method. The developed method was characterized by high precision and accuracy. Functionality of the method was tested in a clinical study where urine concentration levels of 8-iso Prostaglandin F2α in patients with diagnosis of asbestosis or silicosis (oxidative stress induced diseases) and control group were compared.