Inhibiční působení sloučenin dusíku při nitrifikaci odpadních vod
Klíčová slova:
nitrifikace, odpadní voda, N-amon, volný amoniak, volná kyselina dusitá, nitritaceAbstrakt
The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of NH3 and nitrites on the activity of nitrification bacteria in biological wastewater treatment. The experiments were performed by treating wastewater with NH3 in a laboratory nitrification reactor with semicontinuous flow. No nitrification activity was observed in the first phase of reactor operation at the NH3 input 600 mg l–1. An increase in the activity of oxidising bacteria was observed only after 65 days of reactor operation. On the other hand, nitrite-oxidising bacteria were inhibited for another 12 month although the NH3 input was gradually decreased. A gradual increase in the activity of nitrite oxidising bacteria was recorded after a decrease in NH3 input to 75 mg l–1. Subsequent gradual increase in NH3 concentration to 1000 mg l–1 did not induce inhibition of both groups of nitrification bacteria.