Příprava a charakterizace prostorově tvarovaných periodických struktur na povrchu polymerů
Klíčová slova:
periodické struktury, polymerní substrát, laserové skenování, stříbro, grafenAbstrakt
This work deals with the preparation of spatially modulated composite structures on surfaces of polymers with regard to their high orderliness, periodicity and symmetry. Such structures on the basis of composition and shape of its structural units have a potential to exhibit properties other materials found in nature do not, for example, negative permittivity, permeability and refractive index. Defined absorption of radiation in the polymer layer caused heating of the polymer resulting in temperature gradient leading to surface tension. When combined with sample's movement it subsequently led to the structuring of the polymer layer. Structures of various shapes were prepared by this mechanism. The advantage of the proposed techniques leading to the realized structures lies in the possibility to prepare themunder normal ambient conditions without the need of ablation of polymers, lithographic masks and powerful radiation sources.