Súčasné trendy v extrakcii s využitím teploty zákalu micelárnych roztokov využiteľné v ultrastopovej analýze iónov kovov a nanočastíc kovov
Klíčová slova:
extrakcia s využitím teploty zákalu micelárnych roztokov (CPE), spektrometrické metódy, ióny kovov, nanočastice kovovAbstrakt
Cloud point extraction as a separation technique for (ultra)trace metals has received great attention which is due to its ability to achieve high preconcentration factors and quantitative extraction recoveries of a target analyte in different matrices. The current review provides a brief description of new approaches to this separation technique. In the case of metallic ions, described procedures have led to time saving, improving of selectivity, or elimination of organic solvents. Recently published procedures for selective separation of metallic nanoparticles in the presence of their ionic species can be considered as the latest trend in the development of this extraction technique.